How to Resolve Liver Issues [ parrot health]

Parrots at Prego Dalliance sanctuary
Marty ( scarlet macaw) and Basil (eclectus)

Milk Thistle Seeds

You can buy them at any health food market, or online.
Just put them in their bowls and let them eat them whole.

Aloe Detox (green bottle)

lily of the valley (brand)

The first week dilute 50 % with water or any other liquid.

Give about 1ml twice a day (for medium size parrot)
Can give more if needed by syringe

After the first week dilute: 25 %
Give about 1 ml twice a day

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Marty, Scarlet Macaw, came to us, weighing 3. 6 pounds. That's one pound over weight and he had fat deposits all over his body.

We put him on aloe detox. Followed the instructions above for one month and healthy diet (few seeds: lots of fruits and veggies, chop) and exercise. 

Marty lost one pound of weight, fat deposits, significantly.

After one month, we stopped the aloe detox and kept up with the healthy food and exercise. He continued to do well therefore didn't do another round of aloe detox.

Charlie, red-lored amazon, have overweight and with fatty liver disease. After a diet change and aloe detox, Charlie lost weight, got rid of his fatty liver disease, and now learning to use his wings to fly.


Author Monika Sangar 

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