Christmas Cookies for your Parrots [ Healthy Treats]

Christmas Cookies for your Parrots

[Healthy bird Treats]

Birdie Christmas cookie

Not only are these cookies healthy, a great source of vitamin A, but they smell, Oh so Divine! During the holiday seasons, it's a great idea to bake for your parrots and birds. I know they want to dig into the shortbread cookies and the gingerbread house, so why not bake a special cookie just for them. 

This cookie ensures they are getting something healthy, has nutrients, and will be flavorful for our parrots. Not only this but this will allow our feathery friends to join in with all the festivities. 

You can change the flavor by simply using pumpkin or another squash, add crushed berries or apples. If you are using mashed pumpkin, you will need two cans for this recipe. 

The first time I made these cookies, I guess I had too much sweet potato so my batter was moist and I couldn't shape them into fun Christmas shapes. 

However, I adjusted the recipe, for it to be handled better. This cookie dough should be great to create cut-out shapes. If you do find it to be too moist, just add more flour. 

It's such an easy, easy recipe, you can not try it. 


3 sweet potato cooked 
1 cup flour (any kind) 
1/4 tsp cinnamon (Ceylon)
1/4 tsp vanilla


Preheat  oven to 350 

Cook your sweet potato, microwave, steam, or oven. 

Mash your sweet potato in a bowl, add flour, cinnamon, and vanilla. 

Use a scoop to measure out cookies on a cookie tray which is lightly sprayed with cooking oil. 

bake for 30 minutes or until the edges are golden brown. 

Birdie Christmas cookie recipe


Author Monika Sangar 

PDS is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization (tax id #46-2470926)

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