Raw Food Chop Recipe

raw chop recipe

Parrot food can be very nutritious with just a little time. Depending on ingredients, you either have to soak and cook a soak mix or you can just soak and NOT cook. Not cooking allows for an easy raw food recipe that is packed with nutrition. Today, we will be making this raw food chop recipe which is not only nutritious, healthy, and natural but so easy to do. (for a cook chop recipe click here

First of all, a little bit of science. 

As we all know, seeds have all the nutrients necessary to grow a plant. When we soak seeds or grains, in water the seeds start absorbing the water. The intake of water signals the seed to use its stored energy for growth through the activation of enzymes. 

In other words, the water intake releases large amounts of nutrients for the seed to become a plant. 

For this noncooking recipe, we are going to be using nature and science to create a nutritious meal for our companion birds and parrots. 

First of all, we need a list of seeds and grains we can use as a soak mix. We can use all or some mixture of these grains/seeds.

raw chop recipe

Grains and Seeds 

Rye Berries
Hulled Millet
Pumpkin Seeds 
Wheat Berries
Green Split peas
Yellow Split peas
green lentils
red lentils
sesame seeds
fennel seeds
poppy seeds

raw chop mix


Rinse your soak mix a few times.  Then add three times the amount of cold water than your soak mix and let it soak overnight. Your soak mix is going to absorb the water so make sure it is submerged all the time. Add more water if needed. 

In the morning, rinse well. Add cut-up veggies and fruit to the soak mix. I also added greens which were chopped in the food processor. 

Mix in some healthy seeds like chia and flax. Mix in some spices of our choice. 

Mix and serve. 

PS: For any leftover soak mix, you can start the sprouting process by rinsing the soak mix three times a day, until it starts to sprout. Parrot sprouting is ideal however not necessary for this recipe. Sprouting seeds for birds provide all the essential amino acids.

healthy raw chop


Author Monika Sangar

PDS is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization (tax id #46-2470926)

Pumpkin birdie bread

healthy parrot bread

There are two different recipes here. The original by our friend, Rose Essex, and a more eclectus friend friendly which I made. Both recipes are amazing and full of Vitamin A, protein, micronutrients, and other essential vitamins.

Every bird I ever met loves it including seed or pellet-only eaters. All of them eat it right away.
Healthy, made from scratch Pumpkin Birdie bread.


4 cups of flour, you can use spelt, brown rice, almond, buckwheat, oat, chickpea four, etc
3 cups mashed fruits/veggies (frozen or fresh) including organic baby food.
1 cup small or ground pellets if you want or have.
3 mashed bananas
1 32 oz can of organic pumpkin or cooked pumpkin, sweet potato.
2 T almond butter or coconut oil.
1 cup quinoa
1/4 c hemp hearts
For the nutty bread..
1 cup raw, shelled sunflower seeds
1/2c raw pumpkin seeds
1/2 c almond slivers
3 beaten eggs with ground shells or 1/2 c flax seeds soaked
1 T non-aluminum baking soda


Put all dry ingredients together and stir
Put all moist ingredients together and stir
Add moist ingredients to dry and mix well.
Add extra moist ingredients almond milk or any healthy liquid to mix to make it easy to spoon up. A little moist is better than too dry.
Grease or use baking paper(easier to clean )3 muffin tins and extra bread pans.
3/4 fill each
Bake at 400 for 25 mins for muffins and 40 mins for bread pans.
Test with a dry knife to the center to check if done. It will come out clean if done.
Almost all of these ingredients can be substituted according to what you have. Experiment and use what you know your birds like.

PS. I also add
Christine Wood
herbs and spices.
Milk thistle (about 6,000 my) and CalSisu or cal, mag, d3 balanced mix. Around the 4,000 mg.

Healthy parrot bread

Eclectus Friendly recipe:


4 cups flours, you can use spelt, brown rice, almond, buckwheat, oat, chickpea fours etc..
2 cups fruits/veggies
1 mashed banana
1 32 oz can of organic pumpkin or cooked pumpkin, sweet potato.
1/2 cup quinoa
1/4 c hemp hearts
2 Tbls flax seeds
2 Tbls chia seeds


Put all dry ingredients together and stir
Put all moist ingredients together and stir
Add moist ingredients to dry and mix well.
Add extra moist ingredients almond milk or any healthy liquid to mix to make it easy to spoon up. A little moist is better than too dry.
Grease or use baking paper(easier to clean )3 muffin tins and extra bread pans.
3/4 fill each
Bake at 400 for 25 mins for muffins and 40 mins for bread pans.
Test with a dry knife to the center to check if done. It will come out clean if done.
Almost all of these ingredients can be substituted according to what you have. Experiment and use what you know your birds like.

PS. I also add
Christine Wood
herbs and spices.
Milk thistle (about 6,000 my) and CalSisu or cal, mag, d3 balanced mix. Around the 4,000 mg.

Healthy birdie bread


Author Monika Sangar

PDS is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization (tax id #46-2470926)

DIY Sock Sweaters for your Parrot

DIY parrot sock sweaters

Sock Sweaters are great for Pluckers, who need more warmers during the winter season. They are safe and comfortable for most parrots. You can customize the socks and designs for your liking with ease. We start out with a Trouser sock. For a medium-sized parrot, I will go with a women's sock. They come in different designs and colors. Just remember to buy the 100% cotton socks. 
Pin Me

We will be making the sock sweater from the top portion of the sock only. I am cutting to about 5 inches in length for my medium size parrots (see picture below).  Depending on if your parrot is shorter or taller, you will adjust the length. You want to cut it straight across.

sock sweater for parrots

We will be left with the ribbing part of the sock which is the neckline of the sweater. 

sock sweater for parrots

The next step is making cuts for the wings. We need to make slits on opposite sides of the sock sweater for the wings. I use the natural crease of the sock to mark and cut the wing slits. 
I marked around 1.5 inches long slits in the middle of the sock sweater and cut. 

sock sweater for birds

Sock sweater for pluck birds

After doing both sides, making your wing slits, your sock sweater is ready. 

sock sweater for pluckers

Instructions on how to put this on your parrot: 

I first put this whole sock over the head (with of course extra hands, or sometimes parrots wrapped in a towel.) 

Then stretch the sock sweater down over the body. 

Then gently pull the wings through the slits. 

Soon you will have a good-looking gang in fashionable sock sweaters. 

parrots wearing sock sweaters


Author Monika Sangar

PDS is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization (tax id #46-2470926)

MASH- birdie baby food [ recipe ]

Bhodi, an indian ringneck

Mash: pretty much homemade baby food. That's how we make it at our sanctuary anyways. After surgery sometimes parrots stop eating because of side effects from meds, the surgery itself or pain, can all be the cause. When they need at this time is wholesome nutrition for a faster recovery. We discovered that this Mash recipe is a great alternative to baby food. 

You can feed mash by adding it on top of chop, on top of birdie bread, or with a spoon. Sometimes we just add it to their bowls. 

Since parrots seem to lack vitamin A, we use sweet potato (orange flesh) with various other veggies and fruit to provide a boost in vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.

We start with steaming peeled, chopped sweet potatoes. With the sweet potato, we add guava or berries or broccoli and greens. 

Once they are completely cooked. More like overcooked, it goes into the food processor. Using the water under the steamer,  food processor the sweet potatoes until a baby food consistency. 

You can add some flax seeds meal, almond meal for some extra protein, omega 3, and fat (yes fat is important).  

Safety Concerns with Hanging Toys [parrot health]

Safety Concerns with Hanging Toys

[parrot health]

When we talk about health, we also include things that cause harm. Pear links that normally come with parrot toys are extremely harmful.

Parrots as we know them, are extremely smart and therefore always finding new ways to entertain themselves. One thing a lot of parrots like to do is undo the links which are used to hang toys.

The problem comes when these pear links get caught in the beak and well as the foot. 

parrot hurt because of pear link
Image courtesy of Eclectus Ark

The problem is these are just weakly made. They don't screw properly, they are too small, they stop working after a few uses. 

I use them but tighten them with pliers but still after a while, they stop working and you can't even tighten them after a few uses. So because of this, I don't recommend them to anyone.

What I do recommend 

There are a few links and other items I will recommend using instead of these. First, the most comparable recommendation will be Quick Links. 

quick links for hanging parrot toys

These are thicker, the threads don't strip, larger, and easier to tighten with PLIERS. 
No matter what. All links must be tightened with pliers and not your hands.

Plastic Links are another recommendation. I haven't used these for a really long time, just a few months. I love them. My parrots, medium-size parrots, haven't been able to open or chew them off. YAY!!!  Once again I use Pliers to tighten them when hanging toys. These are also large and big. 

Pastic link to hang parrot toys
Plastic Link

There are other ways to hang parrot toys in your cage or birdie gym. Bird parrots have stopped using links all together ad they hang the toys or bird stuff using safe stringing material. What you want to use is natural fiber rope: manila, sisal, jute, or paper rope. Just have to make sure the material doesn't use any chemicals or oils. When using rope, make sure you don't have any loose ends which can be hazardous. Cut the ends off by the knot so no rope is hanging. 

Depending on your parrot another suggestion is zip ties. You can hang parrot toys using zip ties which could work beautifully if your parrots don't chew them off.

If you happen to have two Pliers, you can use unwelded O-rings.  An o-right with a slit so you can twist it open and close completely.
unwelded o-ring for parrot toys
unwelded o-ring

I am sure there are other creative ways to hang toys. Remember that even recommendations have to be used with caution because they can also be dangerous if not used right. However, still, Pear Links are the worst and have cause many issues where the parrots needed surgery. 


Author Monika Sangar

PDS is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization (tax id #46-2470926)

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