DIY Sock Sweaters for your Parrot

DIY parrot sock sweaters

Sock Sweaters are great for Pluckers, who need more warmers during the winter season. They are safe and comfortable for most parrots. You can customize the socks and designs for your liking with ease. We start out with a Trouser sock. For a medium-sized parrot, I will go with a women's sock. They come in different designs and colors. Just remember to buy the 100% cotton socks. 
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We will be making the sock sweater from the top portion of the sock only. I am cutting to about 5 inches in length for my medium size parrots (see picture below).  Depending on if your parrot is shorter or taller, you will adjust the length. You want to cut it straight across.

sock sweater for parrots

We will be left with the ribbing part of the sock which is the neckline of the sweater. 

sock sweater for parrots

The next step is making cuts for the wings. We need to make slits on opposite sides of the sock sweater for the wings. I use the natural crease of the sock to mark and cut the wing slits. 
I marked around 1.5 inches long slits in the middle of the sock sweater and cut. 

sock sweater for birds

Sock sweater for pluck birds

After doing both sides, making your wing slits, your sock sweater is ready. 

sock sweater for pluckers

Instructions on how to put this on your parrot: 

I first put this whole sock over the head (with of course extra hands, or sometimes parrots wrapped in a towel.) 

Then stretch the sock sweater down over the body. 

Then gently pull the wings through the slits. 

Soon you will have a good-looking gang in fashionable sock sweaters. 

parrots wearing sock sweaters


Author Monika Sangar 

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