Birdie Bread Recipe for Parrots

Birdie Bread


2 sweet potato, cooked, mashed
1 carrot
bunch of dandelion green
bunch of fresh cilantro
1 apple, chopped plus water
1/4 cup flax meal
3 tbls flax seeds
2 tbls chia seeds
2 Tbls Sesame seeds
1/4 cup almonds
3/4 cup to 1 cup rice flour
2 TBLS chill flakes


1) In a food processor add your chopped apple and pulse, adding water to make apple sauce.

2) then add carrots, dandelion greens, cilantro, to the food processor and grind well.

3) add almonds to the food processor and grind roughly.

4) In a bowl, add all your ingredients together, from food processor, sweet potato, seeds, flax meal,  chill flakes, and rice flour.

5) mix well until a slightly wet dough forms.

6) put the dough into your pan, spread so it's about 3/4 inch thick.
Oven 350 F for 20 minutes.

Cook until the dough leaves the edge of the pan and the edge is slightly brown.
cut into squares and serve.

bird bread recipe
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Author Monika Sangar 

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