Birdie Chop with Lentils [healthy recipes]

Birdie Chop With Lentils 
[healthy recipes]

I change my chop recipe all the time depending on ingredients I have on hand or food I want to try out for my parrots.

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Parrots diet should consist of greens, veggies, and fruits. Fresh food is always the best.

I try my best to provide a variety of fresh food for my parrots to ensure they are receiving all the vitamins and minerals.

For chop, packages visit Christine's chop shop

You can do the same, you don't need to follow my ingredients list exactly. You can add or eliminate things. 

A safe food list, in case you're experimenting with new food. 

I always try to add a rainbow of veggies or fruits into my chop. Different veggies of different colors have different nutrients and by varying them, I hope to give a completely nutrition-balanced meal. 

Chop recipe

Today chop recipe: 

(you can vary your measurements depend on is you have one parrot or many) 

1) Rice, lentils, dry peas with 1/2 tsp of turmeric, paprika, and cinnamon go into boiling water for 5 minutes

2) Add Farro, quinoa, barley, millet, and shredded sweet potatoes into your water with the rice mixture. I added a can of chickpeas too, washed (low sodium). Let the water come to a boil again. Turn off the heat. Let stand for 20 to 30 minutes.

3) Chopped veggies: cucumbers, zucchini, bell peppers, carrots

4) Food processor: cilantro, kale, and dandelion 

5) Seeds: sesame, flax, chia, and bee pollen

6) Other: red raspberry leaf and rosehip powder

Mix everything together... serve.


Chop Guide


Author Monika Sangar 

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