Holistic Approach to Parrot's Lifestyle

Balancing various aspects of life is crucial for birds. Just as we recognize the significance of a balanced diet and lifestyle, birds also require a harmonious combination of nutrition, activity, and behavioral enrichment for their well-being.

Holistic Approach to Balancing Parrot's Lifestyle
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Holistic Approach to Balancing Parrot's Lifestyle

However, a holistic approach to bird care goes beyond nutrition. Birds are social creatures that thrive on interaction and engagement. Thus, balanced activity and behavioral enrichment are equally vital aspects of their well-being. In captivity, where they may not have the same opportunities for natural activities as they would in the wild, it's crucial to provide stimulating environments. This can include toys, puzzles, and opportunities for social interaction with other birds or, in some cases, with their human caregivers.

Just as we seek balance in our daily lives to foster mental and physical well-being, ensuring a harmonious blend of nutrition, activity, and enrichment is key to promoting the health and happiness of our feathered friends. Striking this balance allows birds to express their natural behaviors, preventing boredom and supporting their overall quality of life. In essence, understanding and addressing the various needs of birds contribute to a more fulfilling and enriched avian existence.

Three Primary Elements

In a parrot's daily life, three primary elements play a crucial role: nutrition, social interaction, and maintenance behaviors.

  1. Nutrition and Foraging:

    • Dietary Composition: The nutritional aspect of a parrot's life revolves around the makeup of its diet. Parrots are known for their diverse dietary needs, including nuts, fruits, greens, grains, vegetables, and mix of seeds. A well-balanced diet is essential for their overall health and vitality. Click here for our bird chop recipe.

    • Foraging Activities: Foraging involves the time and energy parrots invest in finding, extracting, eating, and processing food. In the wild, parrots spend a significant portion of their day foraging for food. In captivity, replicating this natural behavior is crucial. Providing opportunities for foraging, such as hiding food in toys or creating foraging puzzles, helps stimulate their minds and keeps them physically active. For foraging toys visit our parrot toy shop.

  2. Social Interaction:

    • Social Nature: Parrots are inherently social creatures. In the wild, they live in flocks and engage in complex social behaviors. In captivity, the need for social interaction remains paramount. Lack of socialization can lead to boredom and stress. For pet parrots, spending quality time with their human caregivers, as well as providing opportunities for interaction with other compatible birds, can contribute to their mental well-being.

  3. Maintenance Behaviors:

    • Grooming: Maintenance behaviors include activities like grooming, which is crucial for a parrot's physical health. Grooming involves activities such as preening feathers and cleaning their beaks. In captivity, providing opportunities for bathing or misting can help facilitate these natural behaviors.

    • Environmental Exploration: Maintenance behaviors also extend to exploring and interacting with their environment. Parrots are curious and intelligent, and they benefit from having a stimulating environment with various toys and perches. This helps keep them engaged and prevents boredom.

Grooming: Maintenance behaviors include activities like grooming, which is crucial for a parrot's physical health.
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Understanding and addressing these three elements – nutrition, social interaction, and maintenance behaviors – are key to ensuring the well-being and happiness of pet parrots. A holistic approach that considers their natural instincts and behaviors enhances their quality of life in captivity.


Author Monika Sangar

PDS is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization (tax id #46-2470926)

How to quiet a screaming parrot.

Dealing with a screaming bird can be quite challenging, but with the correct patience and knowledge, the issue can be resolved. Parrots can sometimes exhibit disruptive behavior, notably screaming. Understanding the environmental triggers, health problems, or other issues for parrot screaming is essential for fostering a harmonious relationship between you and your feathered friend.

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The Nature of Parrots

Social Creatures

Parrots thrive on social interaction. Isolation or a lack of interaction can lead to stress, prompting excessive vocalizations. To address this, ensure your parrot has ample social engagement.

Understanding Vocalizations

Parrots use vocalizations to communicate with their flock. By deciphering their various calls and screams, you can gain valuable insights into their emotional state, allowing for more targeted solutions to curb excessive noise. 

Not all screams are equal. Understanding the nuances of your parrot's vocalizations enables you to identify distress calls from attention-seeking screams. Tailor your response accordingly.

Learn to interpret your parrot's messages through their vocalizations. This insight allows you to address their needs promptly, fostering a deeper understanding and connection.

Health Considerations

Medical Issues Causing Distress

Sudden changes in behavior, including increased screaming, could be indicative of underlying health problems. First and foremost, it would be preferable to begin if your bird hasn't recently had an examination by an experienced avian veterinarian. There are numerous possible physical explanations for screaming, which should be ruled out first.

Regular Veterinary Check-ups

Routine check-ups help detect and address health issues promptly. A healthy parrot is less likely to engage in excessive screaming, emphasizing the importance of preventive care. A qualified avian vet may have additional suggestions on stopping the screaming if it is solely behavioral. 

Environmental Factors

Cage Placement

The location of your parrot's cage plays a pivotal role. Avoid placing it in secluded areas or near high-traffic zones, as this can trigger anxiety. Optimal placement considers a balance of light exposure, temperature, and visibility.

Lighting and Temperature

Maintaining a consistent lighting schedule and comfortable temperatures is crucial. Parrots are sensitive to changes, and deviations from their accustomed conditions may lead to stress-induced vocalizations.

Surrounding Noises

Parrots are highly attuned to their surroundings. Sudden loud noises or unfamiliar sounds can startle them, resulting in prolonged screaming. Minimize abrupt disturbances to provide a serene environment. Dog barking, door bell, loud music can be a few example of triggering noises.

Behavioral Modifications

Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool in parrot training. Reward desired behavior with treats and praise, creating a positive association and encouraging your parrot to adopt quieter habits.

Training Techniques

Consistency is key in behavioral training. Implementing simple commands and practicing them regularly can lead to a well-behaved parrot. Patience and positive reinforcement are the cornerstones of successful training.

Common Mistakes to Avoid


Avoid punitive measures when addressing screaming. Punishment can exacerbate stress and worsen the behavior. Instead, focus on positive reinforcement to encourage desirable actions.

Ignoring the Triggers

Ignoring the environmental triggers for parrot screaming can perpetuate the behavior. Identify and address these triggers to create a more comfortable and calming environment.

Creating a Parrot-Friendly Environment

Choosing Appropriate Toys

Select toys that cater to your parrot's instincts and preferences. Providing a diverse range of toys keeps them engaged and minimizes the likelihood of excessive vocalizations.

Creating a Stimulating Environment

Transform your parrot's space into a stimulating haven. Incorporate climbing structures, varied perches, and interactive toys to create an environment that promotes mental and physical well-being.

Few Examples of Triggers for Screaming parrot

Unfamiliar Visitors

The arrival of strangers can agitate parrots. Introduce new individuals gradually, allowing your parrot to acclimate and reducing the likelihood of heightened vocalizations.

Changes in Routine

Parrots thrive on routine. Sudden changes can be unsettling, triggering increased vocalizations. Gradual adjustments accompanied by positive reinforcement help ease them into new schedules.

Lack of Social Interaction

Loneliness is a significant trigger. Dedicate quality time to interact with your parrot daily. Establishing a strong bond reduces the likelihood of screaming as a plea for attention.


Author Monika Sangar

PDS is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization (tax id #46-2470926)

Monika Sangar is a dedicated bird rescue and author with a lifelong passion for pet bird care

and bird health. As both a bird owner/rescuer and a molecular biologist, she shares her

knowledge and experiences to help others become better bird owners. 

Tips for a Smooth Move With Your Parrot

Moving into a new home is always an exciting adventure, but it can be a stressful experience for

pet birds. Whether you have a talkative parrot or a singing canary, ensuring the comfort of your

feathered friend is essential during this period of upheaval. In this guide, Prego Dalliance

Sanctuary will share some helpful tips and strategies to make the moving process easier and

less stressful for both you and your bird. From reducing anxiety during the move to setting up

your new home, we’ve got you covered!

Tips for a Smooth Move With Your  Feathered Friend
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Moving Between States on a Budget

If you’re moving long-distance with your pet bird on a tight budget, consider staying with family

and friends in your new area temporarily. This will give you time to explore local housing and

employment options while ensuring your bird has a safe and comfortable place to stay. Unlike

staying in a hotel, spending a few days with people you know will make the transition to a new

state much easier for you and your bird. Just ensure your hosts are comfortable accommodating

your pet! Ask questions before you assume anything about whether or not your pet is welcome.

Purchasing Products for Pet Comfort

To make your bird more comfortable during and after your move, consider purchasing a few

new pet products. For example, you’ll need a sturdy and well-ventilated carrier, comfortable

perches for your travel carrier, and plenty of food. Before purchasing products for your bird,

research reviews from veterinarians and bird care experts. You can find websites that offer

product reviews from professionals to ensure you’re making safe and healthy choices for your


Plan for Safe Transportation

Long car trips can be very stressful for birds. To reduce your pet’s anxiety, plan ahead.

PetsThatTravel.com recommends choosing a secure travel cage that’s smaller than your bird’s

normal cage to prevent injuries during a bumpy ride. That said, make sure the carrier is big

enough that your bird can stretch their wings. Start getting your bird used to the carrier weeks

before your move, as this will minimize stress. Encourage your bird to enter the carrier on their

own, using treats or toys to ensure they associate the carrier with positive things. You may also

want to do some practice runs with your bird in the car, starting with short trips and working up

to longer rides.

Prepping Your New Home

Before bringing your pet into your new home, pet-proof the environment. Spend some time

removing common household hazards, including standing water, ceiling fans, candles, and

electrical cords. Be sure to secure any potential escape routes and close off areas of the home

that harbor potential dangers. You’ll also want to designate a quiet, peaceful space for your bird

where they can relax and adapt to their new surroundings gradually.

Settling Your Birds After Moving

Settling into a new home can be overwhelming for your bird. Help them adjust by offering

familiar treats, such as these homemade seed balls. Offering tasty snacks can provide a sense

of comfort to your bird and a chance to spend quality time with you. Music can also help keep

your bird calm, so play some relaxing tunes as you unpack your things. While you set up your

new home, try to stick to your regular routine as much as possible. Knowing what to expect

throughout the day will help your bird feel at home more quickly.

Moving with a pet bird isn’t easy, but with the right amount of preparation and care, you can

ensure a smooth transition for your feathered friend. From staying with family during your long-

distance move to investing in a few new pet supplies to make the move more comfortable, the

well-being of your avian companion should remain a top priority. Remember, a little planning

can go a long way!

Are you looking to adopt or foster a bird? Visit the Prego Dalliance Sanctuary website to

download and fill out our adoption and foster application form.

Author: Tyler Evans










Edible Flowers for Pet Birds

Welcoming a bird into your home brings joy and responsibility. Creating a safe and enriching environment is crucial. One way to achieve this is by incorporating safe flowers into their surroundings. In this guide, we delve into the extensive list of safe flowers for parrots, ensuring your bird companion enjoys a colorful and secure habitat.

Edible Flowers for Parrots
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The List of Safe Flowers for Pet Birds

Anise (Pimpinella anisum)
African Tulip Tree (Spathodea campanulata)
Apple blossum (Malus domestica)
Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum)
Basil (Ocimum basilicum)
Bee balm (Monarda)
Borage blossoms (Borago officinalis)
Bottlebrush (Callistemon spp.)
Calendula (Pot Marigold) (Calendula officinalis)
Carnations (Dianthus caryophyllus)
Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile)
Chives (allium schoenoprasum)
Coriander/cilantro (Coriandrum sativum)
Dandelion (Taraxacum)
Daylily (Hemerocallis spp.)
Dill (Anethum graveolen)
Elderberry (Sambucus spp.)
Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)
Gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides)
Garlic (Allium sativum L.)
Grapefruit (Citrus x paradise)
Honeysuckle (Lonicera)
Jarcaranda (Jacaranda mimosifolia)
Kumquat (various Fortunella species)
Lilac (Oleaceae Syringa)
Lime (Citrus aurantifolia)
Lemon (Citrus × lemon)
Milk thistle (Silybum species)
Melalecuca (Melaleuca quinquinervia)
Orchid tree (Bauhinia verigata)
Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus)
Orange (Citrus sinensis)
Oregano (Origanum vulgare)
Pansies (Viola tricolor)
Passion flowers (Passifloraceae Passiflora)
Petunia (Petunia spp.)
Plum (Prunoideae Prunus)
Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo or Cucurbita mixta)
Roses/Rose hips (Rosoideae Rosa)
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
Runner Beans (Phaseolus coccineus)
Sage (Salvia officinalis)
Sunflowers (Helianthus annuus)
Thyme (Lamiaceae Thyme)
Zucchini (Cucurbita pepo.)
Violets (Violaceae Viola)

Incorporating safe flowers into your parrot's habitat not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also contributes to their well-being. With our comprehensive guide, you're equipped to create a colorful and secure environment for your feathered companion. Explore the beauty of the list of safe flowers for parrots and watch your pet thrive in their enriched surroundings.


Author Monika Sangar

PDS is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization (tax id #46-2470926)

Monika Sangar is a dedicated bird rescue and author with a lifelong passion for pet bird care

and bird health. As both a bird owner/rescuer and a molecular biologist, she shares her

knowledge and experiences to help others become better bird owners. 

The Importance of Quarantine

What is Quarantine?

Quarantine is the practice of keeping any new flock members in a separate cage, in a separate room preferably with different airspace from any existing flock members for a minimum of 30 days, but preferably 45 to 60. 

The Importance of Quarantine
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How to Quarantine:

It is difficult to do a 
true quarantine in most homes, but usually keep any new birds at the opposite end of the house or floor, from the rest of the flock. It is advised to always wash hands between handling any of the quarantine birds to protect the health and safety of your flock. 

Why Quarantine?

If your new flock member comes to you ill, you could lose the entire rest of your flock because many diseases are airborne and highly contagious. THEREFORE, keeping them in the same room in a separate cage is not enough. 

Many people think that if the bird looks healthy, it must be healthy-- this is completely untrue. If birds were so easy to diagnose as healthy or not, vet trips would be far less expensive and we wouldn't need border control or national regulations on avian quarantines. Birds are excellent at hiding their diseases, and often a disease will become very serious before the bird shows any outward symptoms. 

It is also so difficult to tell with a new bird what is normal or not since you have not established a pattern of behavior. In addition, many avian diseases have extremely long incubation periods or latency periods and may not surface for a few weeks, why we recommend a long quarantine. 

The stress of moving to a new home, new cage, new environment, is often enough to make previously dormant diseases that are activated by stress flare up. Even if you get your bird from a very responsible breeder with a 100% clean record, quarantine is still considered essential. But especially if you get your bird from a pet shop, where he or she will have been exposed to an entire gang of diseases and other birds. 


Author Monika Sangar

PDS is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization (tax id #46-2470926)

Monika Sangar is a dedicated bird rescue and author with a lifelong passion for pet bird care

and bird health. As both a bird owner/rescuer and a molecular biologist, she shares her

knowledge and experiences to help others become better bird owners. 

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