Why We rescue

african grey

We rescue parrots. We fight for them. We dedicate my life to them.

I rarely put myself first. I never put them last. I always try to do right by them.

I am optimistic, but also realistic. I am a positive person, who has been beaten down by the negativity of the world. I am happy most days, but with a constant underlying sadness.

I have opened my heart to more parrots than I can count. I bring them into my home. I return the life that was taken from them.

I have accepted the craziness of my world. I take the insanity in stride. I have given up any hope of having a normal life or a perfectly clean house.

I live each day, for the parrots. I wake up, prepared to save more. I go to sleep, thinking of those I couldn’t reach.

I hate my phone… it never stops ringing. I answer and listen to yet another plea for a parrot that no one cares about, no one will help.
I look into the eyes of the neglected. I feel their pain in my own heart. I hear their silent cries.

I apologize for the awful things that have happened to them. I say “I’m sorry” for things I didn’t do. I say, “I love you,” because no one else in their life ever has.

I try to talk sense into senseless people. I try to educate the ignorant. I fail at these attempts on a daily basis.

I can’t save them all. I can’t even save most. I live each day knowing that, no matter how hard I try, it will never be enough.

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I know that even when I succeed, I fail. I know that for everyone I save, there’s another I lose. I know that no matter how much I help, my work is never done.

Even still, I save all that I can. I love more than I thought possible. I smile… because they smile.

I take on their pain, so that they may have happiness. I allow my heart to hurt, so their’s can heal. I become the one who is wounded, so they may be restored.

I know the cruelty that exists. I’ve seen the faces of abuse. I witness the senselessness of the world… and know that change is always just beyond my grasp…

I ask for help… it rarely comes. I pray for hope… it rarely appears. I beg for mercy… it rarely arrives.

I sometimes lose faith in humanity. I often cry. Some days, I crawl into bed and pull the covers over my eyes.

Sometimes, I sob. I hurt so much… but I cry b
ecause they hurt more than I ever could. The helplessness drives me to say, “I can’t…”
Then, a foster baby's kiss says, “You can…”
So, I get out of bed. I brush off the despair. I vow to make a difference.
I do make a difference.

I never give up. I fight for change each day. I pray for relief from the pain… not for me, but for them.

I rescue parrots. In turn, they rescue me. Everything in between... is so worth it!

~Author- unknown, could be any rescuer!

indian ringneck



PDS is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization (tax id #46-2470926)

How to avoid parrot scammers

If you see Macaws, Cockatoo's, Amazons, African Grey at extremely low prices or free if you pay for shipping etc. These are most likely scams. And many will try pulling at your heartstrings with sad stories of why they are selling their beloved bird or giving them in adoption for “free”.

Many will state they breed large number of different species. And I mean large number. Anyone can set up a web site or Facebook page stating they are a breeder. Many scammers will “steal” pictures from others. So you can copy these pictures and google them. You can find many pictures used by many scammers.
Beware of bad grammar, spelling errors, inconsistent information being given.
If you are being given veterinary paperwork – look up the veterinarian and contact them to see if this bird has actually been seen by the vet.
Many scammers will use strange shipping methods or companies that are also fraudulent. Make sure when shipping they are using a legit shipping company. Even contact that company with any shipping information they have given you to check to see if this breeder is legit. When shipping with airlines - once you book a flight the seller is given a way bill number etc right then. You can use this to contact the airline - if they say they will give you this info once they deliver the bird to the airline. Again this is a scam.
Most ethical breeders will NOT sell unweaned or fertile eggs either.
If they show pictures of Palm tree’s etc in the background - most likely a scam.
Buy from a good reputable breeder – ask for references. Join groups, clubs from your area and ask for a good ethical breeder. Well-respected breeders are known by other breeders and avian clubs. And reputable breeders' names get around by previous happy clients.
Ethical breeders are more than for you to go to their home and meet them and view any pet birds or babies they may have. Most breeders do not allow anyone to view their breeding birds for a variety of reasons such as biosecurity and strangers can upset breeding birds.
If they are unwilling to give you their location, address and legit phone number, walk away.
Ethical breeders are willing to work with you, give you information, tips on care, diet, behavior etc. Many are willing to work with you over a period of time and not “rush” a sale. If they start sounding rude etc with any questions you have and if they state they are 100% legit. Walk away.
DO NOT send money via Western Union, PayPal (If using pay pal do not send money stating they are a family or friend [Unless you know the breeder is really legit] {David's Tiel's Aviary}). There"s another method to send payments and its safe via Facebook pay.
DO YOUR HOMEWORK. Research! And if it sounds too good to be true, then it is.

BY: THE BIRD CAGE AVIARY· (Christine Clark Ham)

Avoid Scammers



PDS is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization (tax id #46-2470926)

DIY healthy bird seed mix [bird food]

One very easy thing to do is make your own parrot seed mix with healthy seeds.  You can mix it with different ingredients like herbs or keep it just plain. 

DIY Dry seed mix
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At the sanctuary, we started making our own mix because in-store seeds had added vitamins or colored pellets. Since we mostly take care of  Eclectus parrots we needed something without vitamins, colored pellets, corn, sugar, preserves, and oils. Instead of all these bad ingredients found in Parrot mixes, I can substitute them with healthy parrot-safe and more nutrtious seeds. 

As always, seed mixes should only be part of a fresh food diet. Everything should be in balance and take everything in moderation. A 100 % birdseed diet causes fatty liver disease and other complications. 

All our birds, no matter if they are Eclectus are not, are given our special, homemade parrot seed mix. There are many other ingredients that can be added, but I don't want to overwhelm you with a huge list. I added the most important, most accessible ingredients to DIY Healthy bird Seed Mix. 

The great thing about this DIY Healthy Parrot Seed Mix is that you can add anything you want, however much you want, and leave out anything you don't want to use or can't find. I tried to give more ingredients than you will need in a single batch, so there's room for variety. 

Flax: (Omega 3 fatty acids and fiber) 
Hemp: (Omega 9 fatty acids, Fibers, Vitamins, and Minerals)
Chia: (antioxidant, omega 3 fatty acids, fibers, vitamins, and minerals)
Fennel: (for healthy digestion)
Sesame: (Lowers cholesterol, fiber) 
Sunflower: (Vitamin B complex which is essential for the nervous system, protein, minerals)
Caraway: (improves digestion, natural probiotic, stimulates healthy appetite) 
Pine Nut: (reduces heart issues, minerals)
Safflower: (prevents heart issues)
Pumpkin seeds: (antioxidant, improves heart, prostate, and bladder issues, reduces cancer)
Milk Thistle: (cures liver disease)
Millet: (improves digestion, kidney and liver function)
Cantaloupe seeds: (high in fiber, antioxidants, protein and vitamins)
Canary: (lowers blood pressure, antioxidants, reduces inflammation, lowers obesity and glucose)

Star Anise: (helps with digestion)
Cumin: (antioxidant, digestion, anticancer properties, helps blood glucose levels, inflammatory and high cholesterol)
Cardamon Pods: (antioxidant, lower blood pressure, cancer-fighting, anti-inflammatory, digestion)
Black Peppercorn:(anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, antioxidant)
Coriander: (antioxidant, digestive, heart, brain, and skin health)
Chills: (vitamin A, Digestive, and heart-healthy, relieves joint pain)
Ceylon Cinnamon: (antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant)

Chamomile: (Calming)
Lavender: (calming)
Rose Hip powder
Red Raspberry Leaf: (aids in hormone imbalance)
Red Clover Leaf


Coconut Flakes
Juniper Berries
Bee Pollen
Goji Berries
Oat Goats

To purchase PDS Organic herb bird seed mix click here: Organic Herb Bird Seed Mix

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Author Monika Sangar

PDS is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization (tax id #46-2470926)

Birdie Chop with Lentils [healthy recipes]

Birdie Chop With Lentils 
[healthy recipes]

I change my chop recipe all the time depending on ingredients I have on hand or food I want to try out for my parrots.

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Parrots diet should consist of greens, veggies, and fruits. Fresh food is always the best.

I try my best to provide a variety of fresh food for my parrots to ensure they are receiving all the vitamins and minerals.

For chop, packages visit Christine's chop shop

You can do the same, you don't need to follow my ingredients list exactly. You can add or eliminate things. 

A safe food list, in case you're experimenting with new food. 

I always try to add a rainbow of veggies or fruits into my chop. Different veggies of different colors have different nutrients and by varying them, I hope to give a completely nutrition-balanced meal. 

Chop recipe

Today chop recipe: 

(you can vary your measurements depend on is you have one parrot or many) 

1) Rice, lentils, dry peas with 1/2 tsp of turmeric, paprika, and cinnamon go into boiling water for 5 minutes

2) Add Farro, quinoa, barley, millet, and shredded sweet potatoes into your water with the rice mixture. I added a can of chickpeas too, washed (low sodium). Let the water come to a boil again. Turn off the heat. Let stand for 20 to 30 minutes.

3) Chopped veggies: cucumbers, zucchini, bell peppers, carrots

4) Food processor: cilantro, kale, and dandelion 

5) Seeds: sesame, flax, chia, and bee pollen

6) Other: red raspberry leaf and rosehip powder

Mix everything together... serve.


Chop Guide


Author Monika Sangar

PDS is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization (tax id #46-2470926)

Vitamin A deficiency information [parrot health]

Vitamin A deficiency Information [Parrot Health]

Vitamin A deficiency, hypovitaminosis A,  is the most common issue in birds which goes unrecognized and on top of that, is preventable and easily treatable. 

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Before we go into more details, first we need a better understanding of Vitamin A and why it's so important and causes so much damage if absent. 

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps grow and repair tissue. This antioxidant also helps to function eyes, skin, hearing, bone, and membranes.  

Vitamin A deficiency can cause tissue damage in the respiratory, digestive, and reproductive tracts. This deficiency causes cells to undergo changes that prevent the secretion of mucous, and therefore destroying barriers that prevent bacterial infections. 

Lack of Vitamin A causes bacteria, fungal, and virus infection because vitamin A is needed to produce mucous which is a layer of protection against the pathogen. So if your parrot has a vitamin A deficiency, it will not produce mucous, which will cause reoccurring infections. 

Vitamin A deficiency in birds is a direct cause of inadequate diet. Only seeds diet, no fresh food, causes vitamin A deficiency in parrots because seeds don't contain vitamin A.  Even when seeds are enriched with vitamins, the parrots eat the seed inside the shell, not the whole shell. Most vitamins add in seeds, only sit on top of the shell, and aren't consumed. 

Vitamin A

Why is Vitamin A deficiency an issue with parrots?

Because parrots require as much Vitamin A as humans, daily. Humans daily allowance for vitamin A is 2400 to 5000 IE a day; for parrots 2000-4000 IE per kg body weight. Therefore, per kg of a parrot, a parrot requires as much vitamin A as a human.

Signs and symptoms of vitamin A deficiency:

Symptoms of vitamin a deficiency

Treatment of Vitamin A Deficiency

Treatment of Vitamin A deficiency relies on the severity of the infection caused by the vitamin A deficiency. 

Your vet will perform CBC and cultures to get a better understanding of the case. From the cultures, a specific antibiotic medicine can be given. The first step is to deal with the secondary infection because the infection causes death, and damage to internal organs. After an injection of vitamins can help boost vitamin A. 

In some cases nostrils must be physically unplugged, then nasal flush with antibodies. Surgical lancing of abscesses might also be needed. 

 Prevention of Vitamin A Deficiency

No, not supplements. An adequate diet. Supplements can do more harm than good. The best way to ensure your parrot's well-being is by providing fresh food daily. There are many fresh foods with high amounts of Vitamin A. 

Here is a list of parrot safe food which are high in Vitamin A.
Vitamin a Chart

Over Supplement of Vitamin A (Hypervitaminosis A)

It's not well documented, however over supplement of vitamin A could be toxic in birds. In animals, over-supplement could lead to bone abnormalities, liver damage, and or kidney damage, etc.  This is the main reason why supplements aren't the best idea. Overdosage can cause issues that vets and researchers are not familiar with until more research is done.


Roudybush, TE. Nutrition. In Altman, RB; Clubb, SL; Dorrestein, GM; Quesenberry, K (eds.). Avian Medicine and Surgery. W.B. Saunders. Philadelphia, PA; 1997.

Vitamin A


Author Monika Sangar

PDS is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization (tax id #46-2470926)

Birdie Chop Guide [easily chop recipe]

Birdie Chop Guide

Chop guide to help new parrot owners to safely and easily make Chop. Parrot love to eat fresh food and seed mixes don't provide all the nutrients needed. Remember to vary it, try new things, and soon you will have your own chop recipe which your parrots will love. 


Author Monika Sangar

PDS is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization (tax id #46-2470926)

Don't Buy Unweaned Baby Birds

BABY BIRD OWNERS, please DO NOT take your babies home before they are COMPLETELY WEANED unless you are experienced baby birds. If you brought home an unweaned baby take it back to the breeder!

Before you go out and pick up an unweaned baby bird, realize that there is NO reason why an inexperienced hand-feeder should attempt to raise a baby bird. The idea that you can only form a strong bond with a parrot if you hand-feed them is simply untrue.

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Unfortunately, it is only too common for unethical breeders to sell unweaned babies to customers telling them that it’s "for your own good! Your bird will not love you the same way without being hand-fed!” In reality, their motivations are purely selfish. An unweaned baby bird that can be sold faster is a better investment for a breeder, plain and simple. Weaning and hand-feeding are both difficult processes, even for experienced breeders, so the less time they have to spend feeding, housing, and socializing a baby bird is more money in their pocket.

It’s no surprise that a good breeder will not even consider selling an unweaned baby unless the customer can prove that they have extensive experience with hand-feeding and the knowledge to identify and deal with potential problems - if they'll sell an unweaned bird at all. The worst breeders will shove new owners out the door with a little bit of formula and a “good luck with that!” attitude. To them, baby birds are commodities that net the most profits the faster they can churn them out. Luckily for them, too many inexperienced people are all too willing to buying a cute, fluffy unweaned baby, and have little to no knowledge of how to properly care for a bird in one of the most difficult and important stages of its life.

Baby birds die, become permanently harmed, or acquire terrible lifelong habits every day at the hands of well-meaning but inexperienced hand feeders. The causes are many, and most can be difficult to avoid given the finicky nature of baby birds. Some of the biggest problems that can occur with hand-feeding are:

baby parrot bird

1) Feeding complications:

Aspiration: Food can easily be pulled or pushed into a baby bird’s lungs and cause immediate death or infections like pneumonia.
Crop burn: Formula that is even a few degrees too warm can literally sear a hole right through a baby bird’s crop. If the bird does not die from the subsequent infection, life-saving surgery is often risky and expensive.
Crop stasis: On the other hand, formula that is a few degrees too cool can cause the baby bird’s crop to shut down. Food does not pass through it and can become impacted/rot causing bacterial or fungal infection.
Poor sterilization: Feeding utensils, syringes, mixing containers, and improperly stored formula all must be properly sterilized. If not sterilized properly after EVERY feeding, all of these can harbour and encourage dangerous bacterial growth.

2) Beak Deformities: 

Too much pressure during syringe feeding or beak cleaning can result in serious and permanent beak defects like scissor beak, overbites, etc.

3) Starvation: 

Weighing baby birds daily is extremely important to ensure they are not losing dangerous amounts of weight from underfeeding. It’s also critical to ensure that a baby is gaining enough weight and thus developing properly. Knowing just how much to feed AND how often is crucial because some chicks will not beg even when they are hungry. A novice may assume that a chick isn't hungry if it refuses feedings, but this can happen for something as inconsequential as a change in the brand of hand-feeding formula or the incorrect formula temperature. Additionally, others may fight being hand fed even when they are starving because they haven’t learned how to eat from a spoon or syringe. Finally, during the weaning process a young chick can sit in front of a bowl of food and starve to death as many chicks will refuse weaning foods if they are not being fed enough formula (i.e. if they are being force weaned).

4) Overfeeding: 

Many younger chicks will continue eating until the feeder stops feeding them rather than backing away when they are full. Overfeeding can lead to an impacted crop which requires veterinary action to correct. It can also cause the crop to become unnaturally stretched over time and result in folds or pouches that trap formula, allowing it to rot and grow bacteria. An inexperienced feeder may not be able to tell when a chick is full, and so cannot accurately judge when to stop feeding.

5) Improper Weaning: 

Baby birds that are not properly weaned will not learn the behaviors that make them enjoyable companions. The novice owner has no idea how to react to a screaming or begging baby and so this undesirable behavior can easily become the norm for that baby as it learns to beg or scream incessantly into maturity. Others inadvertently teach their baby birds to bite by improperly responding to the first inquisitive attempts of a baby to investigate with its beak. Even teaching a baby to eat a variety of foods can be challenging for those who have no experience doing so. Remember, weaning is a process, not an event. The beginning of the weaning period varies widely among species. All babies are individuals and wean slightly differently from each other. If these differences aren't accommodated, the chick's behavior and demeanor can be adversely affected. The bird's attitude toward food, his emotional development and his natural progression to food-independence will be retarded.

Finally, it’s true that in general, the BIGGEST problem faced by inexperienced hand-feeders is the simple fact that they are unable to recognize signs of trouble. They do not know what issues like crop stasis looks like, or what the proper weight of a baby should be, or how to handle a baby refusing formula. Because baby birds are so fragile and vulnerable it can be mere hours to minutes (in the case of aspiration) before a problem is serious enough to cause death.

Given these facts it is apparent that the task of hand-feeding and weaning a baby parrot is best left to the professionals. And if the tens of thousands of adopted birds out there are any indication, even mature adult parrots are still capable of forming strong, loving bonds with their owners. An important fact for all parrot owners to understand is that what creates a true bond is NOT who is providing the formula, or even who a bird first lives and interacts with. In the end, a bird is going to bond MOST strongly to the person or people that put in the time and effort to build a respectful and trusting relationship with them.

So please, never ever consider buying an unweaned parrot. If you show up at a pet shop/breeder and the salesperson is trying to convince you to take an unweaned bird, it’s okay to say no! Even if you have put down a deposit OR were falsely told the baby was weaned, it is always better to stay safe and NOT encourage unethical breeding practices by giving these irresponsible breeders your money. Say no to unweaned birds, and help save the lives of thousands of baby parrots every single year.
Note :- due to a recent influx of posts from people who need help hand-feeding baby parrots, we've opted to make this post to explain what can go wrong when inexperienced people purchase unweaned birds. /u/budgiefacedkiller generously volunteered her expertise to write this PSA.

Author: Budgiefacedkiller
From Pam Bird

baby african grey



PDS is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization (tax id #46-2470926)

Birdie Cereal with sweet potatoes [ Healthy bird recipe]

Birdie cereal is one of the favorites around our sanctuary. All birds eat it. It's healthy and nutritious, a great addition to a fresh food diet. However, to make it diverse, I add different ingredients and today, I will share one of my recipes.

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Birdie Cereal with Sweet Potatoes


1 bag of Birdie Cereal by PDS Parrot Shop

1  sweet potato 

1 Tsp of flax seeds, chai seeds

1 Tbs of chopped nuts 


1) First, make the Birdie cereal as directed. 

2) Cook sweet potato and mash. 

3) Mix all the ingredients.

Bella's Surgery | Parrot Health Story

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We have rescued over 50 parrots from horrific situations and we were balancing our costs well, until last year… Tragedy after tragedy hit us and the medical bills piled over $10,000 all at once.

Here is where my 3-year-old girl Bella comes in, my little monster. She is a feisty eclectus, who is the heart of our sanctuary. (She’s the one we take to dinner with us) She loves new humans (grows tired of us, I suppose) and loves destroying anything she can. She says Hi Bella and the sweetest ‘hello’ that will make your heart melt.

Bella is the only parrot that chose to come home with me. You cannot say she is rescued because she said demanded I take her home. What her highness demands, I provide, so I paid her ransom and brought her home. Cut to a few years later, Bella starting pulling her feathers out. We took her to the vet, he said heavy metal poisoning, put her on chelation for months! Didn’t work, so we had to have surgery with an avian specialist ($$$$) Now that her gizzard was clean we thought she would get better but she didn’t. Another 6 months passed, back on chelation. Another 4 months and the Doc said, let’s do barium series with digital x-rays ($$$) Barium series showed an abnormality in her gizzard and her intestines being pushed to one side of her body. Doc said most likely it’s egg yolk peritonitis inside her abdominal cavity but of course, we can’t be sure until he cuts her open with ‘exploratory surgery.

I’ve got the best avian vet in the world Dr. Nemetz, the only Doc I would ever let cut open my girls or boys. But he is a specialist and very costly. He put Bella on Lupron to see how the drug would make her feel (that way he knows when he goes into surgery he has to look at the ovary also) So next for Bella was ‘exploratory surgery to clean her stomach out, if that’s the issue or to remove the ovary if that is the issue. The cost of surgery was $5000. It was discovered that she had two ovaries, so one and a half were removed. Also, she had become egg bound and the egg broke inside of her causing lots of damage. She is doing well now after the surgery. We are still giving her meds for pain and inflammation. We hope one day she won't be in pain.

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